horse power.

Horse coaching in Ibiza


Horse coaching in Ibiza 〰️

What is horse coaching?

The horse is the most powerful coach you will ever meet. She, like no other, will show you how you can step into a stronger version of yourself. A pure and experiential way of coaching that connects your head to your heart.

* No experience with horses is needed. We work from the ground.

How does horse coaching work?

Horses have highly sensitive traits that pick up on your true emotions and intentions. They give you the most honest and direct feedback by mirroring your behaviour. Horse coaching allows you to (re)connect with your true self.

All coaching sessions

1. Individual coaching

How can you grow into a stronger version of yourself? What is holding you back and how can you change this? Discover yourself through the eye of the horse.

Individual- or duo session.

2. Business coaching

What makes you authentic? Who are you inside and how does it connect better to what you are doing professionally? Get ready to elevate yourself as an entrepreneur.

Individual series of 3 sessions.

3. Morning retreat

The wisdom of the horse tells you a lot about yourself. What can horse coaching mean to you? In a group formation you will discover the horses’ power in an accessible way.

Group session.

Santa Gertrudis, Ibiza

Imagine an authentic ranch in Ibiza that gives space to your personal growth.

“You, me and the horse will discover how you can flourish and grow. “

- Vera Holland

  • "It was magic. The horses allowed me to uncover my fear of opening up my heart; to step out of my comfort zone & to be fully embodied and present with what arises. Highly recommended!"


  • "As a coach, Vera radiated calm, she showed me the purity of the horse. Communicated what she witnessed and translated it in a pure and understandable way. "


  • "The session created an awareness of my behavior, and also of my qualities. With these insights I now feel I can 'move on'. Thank you dear Vera for this special experience."


  • "I threw away my whole strategy during my encounter with the horse. Here I learned to communicate with my feelings instead of my head. It taught me to think about how I want to deal with others. A wonderful insight."


  • "The horse absolutely mirrors what you are doing. I got a very literal answer to something that had been bothering me for a while. The horse made me see it so clearly, I made "peace" with it and now I immediately act on it in daily life. Very valuable!"


  • "The coaching session mirrored my behavior, which I recognize very much from my daily life. Old memories came flooding back, tears flowed. It had a healing effect for me and my daughter that is impossible to put into words."


Get in touch and discover the possibilities.