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Find out about individual-, duo- and group coaching sessions.

   1. Individual coaching

How can you grow into a stronger version of yourself? What is holding you back and how can you change this? In this individual- or duo coaching session you will discover yourself through another’s eyes.

When you meet the horse in the round pen, you will look into a mirror. The horse gives you direct and honest feedback which you can immediately practice. We will start the session with a question or an intention so you can work with a specific theme in your life. Such as: setting boundaries, self-assurance, emotional wellbeing, behavioral patterns, inner motivation, etc.

Are you ready to experience how you can personally grow? In this session you will be challenged to be your best self. To cultivate deep and lasting relationships, with yourself and your surroundings.

Individual session - 60 minutes
Duo session - 90 minutes

   2. Business coaching

What makes you authentic? Who are you inside and how does it better connect to what you are doing professionally? This coaching session is designed to empower entrepreneurs to connect to their essence.

The horse will reflect back to you where you are not in line with yourself. You will be challenged to open yourself not only physically but also emotionally, the horse feels all of your energies. She will notice if your inner energy is fully connected to what you are expressing actively on the outside. Together we will discover how you can professionally grow and immediately take this into practice during the sessions.

Is your business fully connected to your true colours? Get ready to gain insights into the intersection of your personal essence and your professional functioning. In a series of three sessions we will find and embrace your inner resources to elevate yourself as entrepreneur.

Individual course - 3 sessions

3. Morning retreat

The wisdom of the horse tells you a lot about yourself. What can horse coaching mean to you? In a group formation you will discover the power of horse feedback in an accessible way.

We will meet in a little group at a beautiful ranch to start our morning retreat. Starting with some gentle movements with our bodies and grounding breath exercises. Followed by a meditation, setting personal intentions and a first encounter with the horse. After a refreshing break each of us will experience individual horse coaching in the round pen. In the encounter you will explore what you need to know about yourself in the eyes of the horse.

Are you curious about the impact of horse coaching? Join this intimate morning retreat to get to know the power of the horse and awaken a flame in yourself.

Next dates: view events.
Or schedule a private morning retreat.

Morning retreat - 6 persons - 4 hours

"Experience the powerful feedback of horses and get closer to yourself and others."

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